BioSpace Graphene Diamond 5G


BioSpace Graphene 5G

Protect your family when at home against EMF radiation with this device which can be placed in any room.
This device offers you a protection area with a radius of 11 metres in all directions, which corresponds to an area coverage of approx. 380 square metres.
Ideal for the office or home office.

Additionally offers an effective way to protect you from EMF sources such as smart meters, WiFi routers, etc. being sent from a neighbour’s devices, and is effective in combating the effects of Electrosensitivity (ES).

Living Space Protection from EMF 5G Radiation with the BioSpace Graphene

The latest generation of this device is designed to protect your living space against EMFs including 5G radiation.Make your home a safe haven, a place where you can relax without being concerned about the horror stories surrounding the deployment of new generation digital telephone masts, smart meters or other external sources of non-ionising Electromagnetic fields (EMFs).To install the BioSpace Graphene, simply remove it from its packaging and place it wherever you seek protection from electromagnetic radiation (at home, in the office, etc.). You will be protected from the effects of electrosmog for as long as you remain within its field of action.

Biospace Graphene Characteristics
  • Operating Range: Radius of up to 11 metres (380 m2) approx.
  • Dimensions: 86.5 x 20 x 226.5 mm (3.4 x 0.79 x 8.9 ins).
  • Weight: Approx. 1 Kg (2.2 lbs) approx.
  • Does not require any maintenance.
  • Passive transducer which neither filters or stores radiation.
  • Does not affect the performance of electromagnetic devices around us.
  • The device operates automatically within operating range.
  • Service life: Limitless, when maintained in good condition
What will the Biospace Graphene protect me from?

Against alterations in the body produced by non-ionising electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless systems such as mobile telephony, antennas, repeater bases, WiFi networks, radar, power grids, digital meters and any other system generating artificial radiation. It is particularly effective for those suffering from forms of electrosensitivity.


Additional information

Weight 1,5 kg


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